A | | |
A2/AD | anti-access/area-denial | Anti-Zugriff/Bereichsverweigerung |
AI | artificial intelligence | |
AIP | air-independent propulsion | außenluftunabhängige Antriebsanlage |
ARF | Allied Reaction Force | |
ASW | anti-submarine warfare | U-Boot-Abwehr |
AUGV | Autonomous Underwater Ground Vehicle | |
AUKUS | Australia, United Kingdom und United States | |
AUV | autonomous underwater vehicle | autonomes Unterwasserfahrzeug |
AWNIS | Allied Worldwide Navigation Information System | |
B | | |
BAAINBw | Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr | |
BMP | Base Maintenance Periods | |
C | | |
CIR | Cyber- und Informationsraum | |
CMS | combat management system | |
D | | |
DICASS | Directional Command Activated Sonobuoy System | Richtungsaktiviertes Sonarbojensystem |
DIFAR | Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording | Richtungsfrequenzanalyse und -aufzeichnung |
DIU | Defense Innovation Unit | Einheit für Verteidigungsinnovation |
F | | |
FD-Boot | Flottendienstboot | |
G | | |
GA-ASI | General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. | |
GA-EMS | General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems | |
H | | |
HAT | Harbor Acceptance Test | |
HDW | Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft | |
HMS | His Majesty’s Ship | |
I | | |
ICBM | intercontinental ballistic missiles | |
IDAS | Interactive Defence and Attack System for Submarines | Interaktives Verteidigungs- und Angriffssystem für U-Boote |
IDS | Indigenous Defense Submarine | |
IMX | International Maritime Exercise | |
IPoE | Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment | Aufklärungsvorbereitung des Einsatzumfeldes |
J | | |
JFD | James Fisher Defence | |
JMSDF | Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force | |
K | | |
KHI | Kawasaki Heavy Industries | |
KI | Künstliche Intelligenz | |
L | | |
LDUUV | Large Displacement Unmanned Underwater Vehicle | |
M | | |
MARCOM | Allied Maritime Command | |
MCM | mine countermeasures | Minenabwehrmaßnahmen |
MHC | minehunting capability | Minenjagdfähigkeit |
MoD | Ministry of Defence | |
MPA | maritime patrol aircraft | Seeaufklärungsflugzeug |
MPS | Main Payload Space | |
MSubs | Marlin Submarines | |
N | | |
NAWCAD | Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division | Flugzeugabteilung des Naval Air Warfare Center |
NCAGS | Naval Cooperation and Guidance for Shipping | |
NVL Group | Naval Vessels Lürssen Group | |
P | | |
PLA | People’s Liberation Army | |
R | | |
RAMP | Revalidation and Assisted Maintenance Period | |
RAN | Royal Australian Navy | |
RAS | replenishment at sea | Versorgung in See |
RIMPAC | Rim of the Pacific | Randzone des Pazifiks |
RN | Royal Navy | |
ROV | remotely operated vehicles | |
S | | |
SAT | Sea Acceptance Test | |
SDA-AU | Submarine Delivery Agency’s Autonomy Unit | |
SDI | Smart Defence Initiative | |
SDS | sonobuoy dispensing system | Sonarboje-Abgabesystem |
SOF | Special Operations Forces | |
SSBN | nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines | |
SSGN | nuclear-powered cruise missile submarines | |
SSK | diesel-electric submarine | |
SSM | Midget submarines | |
SSN | nuclear-powered attack submarines | |
SSP | Diesel-electric air-independent propulsion (AIP) submarines | |
SSW | subsea and seabed warfare | Unterwasser- und Meeresbodenkriegsführung |
T | | |
TKMS | ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems | |
U | | |
UK | United Kingdom | |
US | United States | |
USS | United States Ship | |
UUV | uncrewed/unmanned underwater vessels | unbemannte Unterwasserschiffe |
V | | |
VPTS | Virginia Payload Tubes | |
X | | |
XLAUV | Extra Large Autonomous Underwater Vehicle | |